Our Team

Meet the The Mean Green Team

  • Technicians
  • Office Team
  • Directors

Johnny is a certified carpet and upholstery technician moving towards 3 years of service with the company. He is originally from Washington D.C. He loves, sports, cars and music. He enjoys spending time with his family. His biggest mission is to do his best and make everyone happy.

Johnny Hodge Technician

Kurtis is our lead technician and certified in carpet and upholstery cleaning, carpet repairs and water damage. He has lived in Alexandria since 2013 and is moving towards 9 years with the company. He loves music, motorbikes and sports. He has a passion for art, cooking, and enjoys spending time with his brother playing basketball.

Kurtis Mawodzwa Lead Technician

Steven has lived in Alexandria for the past 14 years, and has been with The Mean Green Carpet Clean for 3 years. He is hardworking and takes pride in everything he does. He is working towards becoming a lead carpet cleaning and upholstery technician. He loves sports and photography and for fun he enjoys watching his young brother play soccer.

Steven Valoyi Technician

Vaughn is our highly skilled carpet and upholstery cleaning lead technician. He has been with The Mean Green Carpet Clean since the company was established in 2010. He has 23 years of carpet cleaning experience and has IICRC certification. He has worked on jobs that lasted until the sun rose the next day, attesting to a favorite quote of his, “with enough coffee, all things are possible.” He is our famous language guy featured in the Washington Post in April of 2022. In his spare time, he enjoys camping and long distance driving all over the country.

Vaughn Smith Lead Technician